Pre-departure (T-minus 4 days)

Greetings everyone!

My journey to Heredia, Costa Rica takes off in about four days! When I first looked into the program and even the thought of studying abroad I didn't know what to feel or to expect. It hasn't hit me that I'm leaving the United States and my loved ones for almost a full four months. It finally started to settle in these past two days that my trip is right around the corner!

A lot of my friends and family have been asking what do I expect as an outcome from studying abroad in Costa Rica or have I even made a packing list yet. For the first question, my answer was that I expect to have the time of my life and to create so many memories. Also, that I am willing to get out of my comfort zone, and to always try new things even if it might scare me at first. I have learned the Spanish language since I was seven but I still get shy when it comes to speaking it fluently and keeping up conversation with other native speakers. I hope to be able to gain better knowledge and skills when it comes to keeping up with conversations in Spanish.

However, I have not started packing yet or even wrote a packing list. Thankfully my mom was persistent and took me shopping for some essential items, so at least I have one step done in the right direction! I think each person has a different vision on their ideal packing list, some including what's needed and other items included that a person will think they need and will end up not even using. I know that my packing list will include common items like: clothes, personal products, makeup, shoes, hair accessories, books, laptop, and a few things to remind me of my home and my culture, especially my two fur babies!

I can't wait to continue to share with everyone my experiences and thoughts while abroad in Costa Rica!

Stay tuned next week for the update!

As always,
Camille Zalewski


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