Weekend trip to Panama

Greetings everyone! It has been awhile since I have been able to post! Classes over here in Costa Rica have really picked up and the work load has been time consuming, but it is all worth it with this beautiful view outside of my classroom windows! About a week ago, my classmates and I, who are also in the same program as I (ISA-Heredia) traveled to Panama for four days. We left on an early Saturday morning, and returned late Tuesday evening. Many people don't know this, but when travel to Costa Rica from another country, you enter as a tourist. You then receive a 90 day visa to stay in Costa Rica. However, since this program is longer then 90 days, my classmates and I had to travel to another country for at least 72 hours in order to enter back into Costa Rica, and properly renew/get another 90 day visa. This was one of the main purposes of our trip to Panama, which is the neighboring country to Costa Rica. We took a bus to the border between Costa Rica and Panama, which in ...